

 "You have the world behind you and in front of you. The work accomplished is to be done because, the time to turn around, it has changed " Paul Éluard

The watercolor I like combines softness and power, velvety and texture, light and dense shadow, transparency and opacity.  

It is an unpredictable and beautiful path that I walk with my accomplices: water, paper, color, brush and time. Beautiful moments that make me want to share my discoveries with you.

Scroll through the pages of my new site (not quite finished) and discover the topics that inspire me, the research I conduct and the passion that drives me.  

At the end of the page  a gallery shows you a sample of my work over the past 12 years.

So far away

Since 2008, I have been working directly on the white sheet, superimposing fine washes in a palette of colored grays. Patiently, I refine the shapes that gradually bring out my subject and work on it until that tiny moment when I feel the completion of it.

Domes and Clouds

From time to time, I cover part of my watercolor sheet with a layer of GESSO, thin enough so that you can still see the grain of the paper.

Derrière chez Marla

Le GRAPHITE et l'aquarelle se fondent parfaitement en lignes et textures superbes. Depuis 2013, j'ai fait de nombreuses recherches à ce sujet.

Finally, the graphite can be worked alone in water, in monochrome, taking care to keep a variation in the tones. The result gives watercolors evoking the past, both soft and textured.


. Il y a de multiples façons de les travailler, pour des résultats très différents.  Plus on s'arme de patience, plus les effets sont fins et raffinés.

Here I used this technique in a sky. The result is a bit harsh but not uninteresting 

Walk at beach

walk to the beach
We can lay the graphite down first, set the tonal values. The watercolor wash applied afterwards gives a light mist.

Or they can be applied at the same time so that their mixture forms beautiful textures.


Graphite and watercolor on 100% cotton paper

Graphite and watercolor mingle cheerfully on the paper to sculpt the trunks.

Textures végétales

Graphite and watercolor on LANAVANGUARD paper

The effects are multiplied by the synthetic texture of the paper. Graphite and watercolor each take their way in the water, playing with each other, between attraction and opposition. The effects are refined, powerful and difficult to master.

These watercolors are magnified by a varnish.

J'ai peint mes dernières aquarelles sur ce papier, explorant de ce fait une autre palette de couleurs, plus vive.


IWS SPAIN Festival International de MADRID 2022

Festival International de Liège 






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